Jim Davis

There should have been a photo of Jim Davis here, but we don't have it :(

Jim Davis - Comic Book, Executive Producer, Art Direction, Characters, Novel, Writer known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Garfield» (2004), «The Garfield Movie» (2024), «Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties» (2006), «Garfield Gets Real» (2007), «Garfield's Pet Force» (2009),

James Robert Davis is an American cartoonist, best known as the creator of the comic strips Garfield and U.S. Acres. Published since 1978, Garfield is one of the world's most widely syndicated comic strips. Davis's other comics work includes Tumbleweeds, Gnorm Gnat and Mr. Potato Head.

The most significant works of Jim Davis

Garfield (2004)

Position: Comic Book
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006)

Position: Novel, Characters
Garfield Gets Real (2007)

Position: Executive Producer, Writer
Garfield's Pet Force (2009)

Position: Writer, Executive Producer
Garfield's Fun Fest (2008)

Position: Executive Producer, Writer
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