Castings for videos on social networks in city Mumbai

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Auditions for Castings for videos on social networks in city Mumbai

Mumbai, the city of dreams, is now looking for its next social media heroes. The city is hosting auditions to find the perfect candidates who can represent the city on social media platforms.

The auditions are open to all citizens of Mumbai, regardless of age, gender, and background. The only criteria is that the applicants must be active on social media and have a good understanding of the city’s culture.

The auditions will be held in two stages. The first stage is an online application process, where applicants will be asked to submit a short video introducing themselves and their social media accounts. The second stage is an in-person audition, where the applicants will be asked to perform a short skit or presentation about their social media presence.

The successful applicants will be chosen based on their social media presence, creativity, and enthusiasm. They will be given the opportunity to represent the city on social media, and will be given access to exclusive events and activities.

The auditions are a great opportunity for all citizens of Mumbai to showcase their skills and creativity. It is also a chance for the city to find its next social media heroes, who can help spread the city’s culture and values to the world.

So, if you are a social media enthusiast and want to be a part of the city’s social media revolution, then don’t miss out on this chance. Apply now and show the world what Mumbai has to offer!

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