Imelda Therinne

Actor (3),

Imelda Therinne - known for her work in such projects: «The Architecture of Love» (2024), «The Queen of Black Magic» (2019), «Fireworks» (2023),

Imelda Therinne is an Indonesian actress and model. She started her career by becoming a model through GADIS Sampul competition in 1999. She has starred in various series and films. At the 2013 Indonesian Movie Awards, she won the Golden Screen Cup in the category of Best Female Lead in the film "Belenggu" (2013).

The most significant works of Imelda Therinne

Poster (2019)
Character: Eva
Poster (2023)
Character: Ibu Anggun
Poster (2024)
Character: Muthia
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