Robert Elswit


Robert Elswit - Visual Effects Lineup, Director of Photography, Visual Effects Camera, Camera Operator known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «The Empire Strikes Back» (1980), «There Will Be Blood» (2007), «Return of the Jedi» (1983), «Magnolia» (1999), «Bob Marley: One Love» (2024),

Robert Christopher Elswit, ASC (born April 22, 1950) is an American cinematographer. He has had multiple Oscar, BAFTA and Independent Spirit nominations for several films, including winning for There Will Be Blood (2007). Elswit has frequently collaborated with Paul Thomas Anderson.

The most significant works of Robert Elswit

Зоряний шлях: Фільм
Зоряний шлях: Фільм Poster (1979)

Position: Visual Effects Camera
Сиріана Poster (2005)

Position: Director of Photography
Poster (1985)

Position: Director of Photography
Магнолія Poster (1999)

Position: Director of Photography
Іншопланетянин Poster (1982)

Position: Visual Effects Camera
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