Alain Chabat


Alain Chabat - , Writer, Screenplay, Director, Co-Producer, Producer, Scenario Writer, Executive Producer known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Ice Age: Continental Drift» (2012), «Little Nicholas: Happy As Can Be» (2022), «Fear City: A Family-Style Comedy» (1994), «Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra» (2002), «Play» (2019),

Alain Chabat (born 24 November 1958) is a French actor and director who appeared in La Cité de la peur, French Twist, The Taste of Others and The Science of Sleep.

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The most significant works of Alain Chabat

Наука сну Poster (2006)
Character: Guy - Leading
Астерікс і Обелікс: Місія Клеопатра
Астерікс і Обелікс: Місія Клеопатра Poster (2002)
Character: Jules César
Position: Screenplay, Director, Co-Producer
Poster (1995)
Character: Laurent Lafaye - Leading
Poster (2000)
Character: Bruno Deschamps - Leading
Poster (1994)
Character: Serge Karamazov / Youri / Jacques, TV journalist - Leading
Position: Writer
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