Lee Isaac Chung

Director (2), Writer (2),

Lee Isaac Chung - Director, Writer known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Minari» (2021), «Your Name» (0000), «Twisters» (2024),

Lee Isaac Chung (born October 19, 1978) is an American film director and screenwriter. His debut feature Munyurangabo (2007) was an Official Selection at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. The first narrative feature film in the Kinyarwanda language, the film was an Official Selection at the Cannes Film Festival, the Berlin Film Festival, the Toronto International Film Festival, the Busan International Film Festival. He also directed the feature films Lucky Life (2010) and Abigail Harm (2012).

The most significant works of Lee Isaac Chung

Твоє ім'я Poster (0000)

Position: Writer
Мінарі Poster (2021)

Position: Director, Writer
Смерчі Poster (2024)

Position: Director
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