Haruka Tomatsu

Actor (19),

Haruka Tomatsu - known for her work in such projects: «Violet Evergarden: The Movie» (2020), «Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll» (2019), «Sword Art Online: The Movie – Ordinal Scale» (2017), «The Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of the Sky» (2018), «Sword Art Online the Movie – Progressive – Scherzo of Deep Night» (2022),

Haruka Tomatsu (戸松 遥, Tomatsu Haruka, February 4, 1990) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer, affiliated with Music Ray'n. She is a member of the J-pop idol unit Sphere.

The most significant works of Haruka Tomatsu

Poster (2010)
Character: Mileina Vashti (voice)
Poster (2013)
Character: Naruko "Anaru" Anjo (voice) - Leading
Poster (2014)
Character: Keita Amano (voice) - Leading
Poster (2016)
Character: Natsuki Enomoto (voice) - Leading
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