Mike White

Screenplay (7), Story (1), Actor (10), Writer (6), Producer (4), Director (1),

Mike White - Screenplay, Story, , Writer, Producer, Director known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Migration» (2023), «The One and Only Ivan» (2020), «Zombieland» (2009), «School of Rock» (2003), «Pitch Perfect 3» (2017),

Michael Christopher White (born June 28, 1970) is an American writer, actor and producer. He is known as the co-creator of the HBO comedy-drama series Enlightened (2011–2013), as well as the screenwriter for films, such as Chuck & Buck (2000), Orange County (2002), The Good Girl (2002), The School of Rock (2003) and Beatriz at Dinner (2017).

The most significant works of Mike White

Школа Року
Школа Року Poster (2003)
Character: Ned Schneebly - Leading
Position: Screenplay
Борець Начо
Борець Начо Poster (2006)

Position: Producer, Writer
Хороша дівчинка
Хороша дівчинка Poster (2002)
Character: Corny
Position: Writer
Poster (2002)
Character: Mr. Burke
Position: Screenplay, Writer
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