David Heyman


David Heyman - Producer, , Executive Producer known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Wonka» (2023), «Barbie» (2023), «Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone» (2001), «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets» (2002), «Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban» (2004),

David Jonathan Heyman (born 26 July 1961) is a British film producer and the founder of Heyday Films. Heyman is best known as the primary producer of all eight installments of the Harry Potter film series, which are based on a series of popular fantasy novels of the same name by author J. K. Rowling. He then produced all three installments of its spin-off prequel series, Fantastic Beasts. His work makes him the second-most commercially successful producer of all time.

The most significant works of David Heyman

Гаррі Поттер та Орден Фенікса
Гаррі Поттер та Орден Фенікса Poster (2007)
Character: Healer in Portrait (uncredited)
Position: Producer
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