Pedro Luque


Pedro Luque - Director of Photography, , Additional Photography known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Society of the Snow» (2023), «Society of the Snow: Who Were We on the Mountain?» (2024), «Don't Breathe 2» (2021), «Don't Breathe» (2016), «Look Away» (2018),

Pedro Luque, originally from Uruguay, made a grand entrance in 2016 as the cinematographer for the runaway horror hit Don't Breathe, directed by Fede Alvarez for Sony Pictures' Screen Gems. The film was nominated for a Critics' Choice Award for Best Sci-Fi Horror Movie. Upon its release, Peter Travers, writing for Rolling Stone magazine, noted Luque. "What makes this so memorably nerve-frying is the way Alvarez and cinematographer Pedro Luque use night-vision and every trick in the book and ones not invented yet to trap us in their vise."

Luque went on to shoot the 2018 modern gothic psychological thriller movie Look Away, for director Assaf Bernstein (the critically-acclaimed director of Netflix's massive hit series, Fauda, 2015); the 2018 science fiction film Extinction for director Ben Young for Good Universe; the 2019 remake of the horror film Jacob's Ladder for director David Rosenthal; and the 2021 sequel Don't Breathe 2. Luque also served as DP on 2018's The Girl in the Spider's Web for Sony Pictures, starring Claire Foy, and on 2020's Antebellum for Lionsgate.

Luque recently wrapped La Sociedad de la Nieve for Netflix. Based in Los Angeles, he lives with his wife and two kids and speaks both English and Spanish fluently.

The most significant works of Pedro Luque

Зловісні мерці
Зловісні мерці Poster (2013)

Position: Additional Photography
Не дихай
Не дихай Poster (2016)

Position: Director of Photography
Занепад цивілізації
Занепад цивілізації Poster (2020)

Position: Director of Photography
Дівчина у павутинні
Дівчина у павутинні Poster (2018)

Position: Director of Photography
Не дихай 2
Не дихай 2 Poster (2021)

Position: Director of Photography
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