Fred Berger


Fred Berger - Producer, Executive Producer, Associate Producer known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «La La Land» (2016), «Honey Boy» (2019), «The Autopsy of Jane Doe» (2016), «Bad Education» (2019), «Operation Finale» (2018),

Fred Berger is an American film producer. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy for the musical _La La Land_ in 2016.

The most significant works of Fred Berger

Забираючи Ченса Poster (2009)

Position: Associate Producer
Гора між нами
Гора між нами Poster (2017)

Position: Executive Producer
Ла-Ла Ленд
Ла-Ла Ленд Poster (2016)

Position: Producer
Демон всередині
Демон всередині Poster (2016)

Position: Producer
За мрією
За мрією Poster (2019)

Position: Producer
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