Jason Bateman

Actor (42), Producer (6), Director (2),

Jason Bateman - , Producer, Director known for his work in such projectsAdvice for working with the Map of emotions: «Zootopia» (2016), «Air» (2023), «Juno» (2007), «Disconnect» (2013), «Up in the Air» (2009),

Jason Kent Bateman (born January 14, 1969) is an American television and film actor. He is known for his starring roles in numerous comedy films and for his role as Michael Bluth in the Fox / Netflix sitcom Arrested Development and Marty Byrde in the Netflix crime drama series Ozark (2017–2022). He has received several awards including a Golden Globe Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and three Screen Actors Guild Awards. In 2017 he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

After appearing in several 1980s and 1990s sitcoms including Silver Spoons, It's Your Move, and The Hogan Family, he came to prominence in the early 2000s for playing Michael Bluth on Arrested Development, for which he won a TV Land, a Golden Globe, and two Satellite Awards. He has since established himself in Hollywood by appearing in numerous films.

His sister is actress Justine Bateman. He has been married to Amanda Anka, singer Paul Ana's daughter, since 2001 and they have 2 daughters. ​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The most significant works of Jason Bateman

Чарівна крамничка
Чарівна крамничка Poster (2007)
Character: Henry Weston - Leading
Королівство Poster (2007)
Character: Adam Leavitt - Leading
Джуно Poster (2007)
Character: Mark Loring - Leading
Грім у тропіках
Грім у тропіках Poster (2008)
Character: Jason Bateman
Козирні тузи
Козирні тузи Poster (2006)
Character: Rupert 'Rip' Reed
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